The vision behind the Tratok token has always been to make travel and tourism more cost-effective, transparent, free of fraud and fairer to all relevant stakeholders. This mission has always been taken into consideration throughout every step of the project’s life and remains the central core principle of the Tratok team. Throughout the requirements capture, team assembly, formulation and realization of the project’s strategy, the integrity of this core value has been the primary focus.

The directors and developers at Tratok believe in the ability to leverage new technology to disrupt the sector and make redefining changes. In truth, the primary determining factor in whether the project succeeds is whether the application of the end product is feasible, deliverable and add long-term value. It was with this in mind and after conducting multiple feasibility studies and stress tests under various contingent conditions and scenarios, that the existing business plan was adopted.

Tratok’s research revealed that in order for the project to succeed, the following are necessary:

  • Team: The project had to be lead by a team of proven professionals who have established reputations and track records of not only working at globally recognised institutions but also having a record of adding value and creating revenue-generating businesses. Having a team of experts from various backgrounds who all command respect in their industry and have influential relationships with key industry connections increases the probability of the project achieving its goals exponentially.
  • Reason: The project has to solve real problems and enhance the current systems in place for all stakeholders. It has to be necessary, for a specific use and offer significant advantages over existing frameworks. If it does not, then the end product is not a viable long-term solution and game changer.
  • Access: In order to succeed on a truly global scale, the token has to be available for wide-scale adoption without limitation and access boundaries. Anyone, anywhere in the world with access to the internet should be able to own, use and benefit from Tratok tokens.
  • Technology: The project must be achievable with existing resources and have a realistic time-frame.
  • Openness: The team behind the project have to be honest and open-minded. This means the transparent sharing of developments, both positive and negative through social media and news services. In addition, the team should listen to all constructive criticism and when appropriate, implement new features to enhance and maximise the end user experience.
  • Kinship: In order to succeed, the fate and destiny of the developers and management have to be directly linked to the success of the project.

It was with all of this in mind that the Tratok team decided to avoid the traditional ICO (Initial Coin Offering) pathway and adopt a unique model that would ensure smooth development, delivery, the formation of first-class partnerships and widespread adoption of the token. This is in contrast to many who have sought to capitalize on “cryptomania” and raise funds with a whitepaper and promises of a new groundbreaking product. Many of them have been irresponsible or had unhonourable intentions and have not:

  1. Conducted responsible feasibility studies.
  2. Assembled a team of caliber or pedigree.
  3. Determined how they will deliver the product and make it mainstream.
  4. Thought about how to make the business sustainable.
  5. Considered how they would win over market share from the existing players.
  6. Been honest or open.
  7. Have a legal entity.
  8. Sought sound advice from seasoned and respected professionals.

In short, it is wonderful to hear about people promising outlandish miracle solutions that for example, can end all war, world hunger, global poverty and sickness. Actually being able to deliver, is an entirely different matter.

By formulating our own strategy, Tratok is now in a position of strength relative to those who have conducted such practices. Unlike those with the aims of realizing quick gains at the expense of others, damaging the reputation of the industry, Tratok is proud that our approach is far different and we can honestly disclose the following statements, backed up by concrete facts:

  • The company overseeing the project has been incorporated successfully as a legal entity. Tratok Ltd exists in the real world, not only on paper.
  • The project team is composed of seasoned and proven experts who each bring strengths, experience, passion and connections to the project. The team is composed of individuals who have worked in Sovereign wealth funds, leading global financial institutions and Fortune 500 companies. These companies are publicly shared and as such our team does not have to brag about false accomplishments or hide behind bio descriptions such as “market expert”. A simple internet search will show the world their real accomplishments and the globally recognised companies that they have held management and executive roles at.
  • Project development is ahead of schedule. In addition, many new features have been added in response to community feedback such as the inclusion of travel advisors and full social and communication portals for service providers and consumers. This brings a level of transparency that has never been seen before in the industry and empowers all stakeholders while making the marketplace more transparent than ever.
  • A truly universal and global rewards program has been created, the first of its kind. This program actually provides a genuine benefit and based on our large sample random blind-feasibility studies was appreciated 492% more at a statistically significant level with a confidence interval of 99%
  • The token has been generated and transparently distributed. Not only have the project’s management divulged the initial distribution of the tokens to the public but in addition, the wallet addresses have been made public. There is full transparency so everyone can see what is happening as it happens.
  • Sustainable and effective corporate social responsibility programs have been established with organisations that Tratok can be proud to be associated with and that actually make a difference in humanitarian aid and improving the lives of others. It is about helping those in need, not simply trying to look compassionate.
  • Some business partnerships with key industry players have been finalized while others are in advanced stages of negotiations and some at early stages. Expect disruptive announcements in the near future to be made from their end. These are global chains and brands that everyone will recognise and that most travelers would have used during their last travels.
  • Proof of concept and testing by multiple service providers have proven that sustainable savings ranging from 28-36% are the norm for adoption and implementation of Tratok. This is based on data from the service providers operations teams and under thorough testing across multiple scenarios. Don’t take our word for it, there is a reason why key industry players are embracing the technology.
  • The project management have found themselves in a position where they have been able to turn down offers from venture capitalists and early speculators, as entering such agreements would hinder the widespread adoption of Tratok, promote greater volatility and speculation and cause public confidence in the purpose designed usage token to wane. The fact that Tratok Ltd has received multiple offers demonstrates the potential that the “smart money” sees in the project.

Over the months ahead the following milestones will be achieved:

  • Business partnerships will be announced to the public.
  • Public announcements concerning more senior executive and non-executive appointments to the team will be made public
  • Listing on the exchanges with the gradual and controlled release of the token to ensure widespread adoption by the public
  • Continued testing of the alpha-stage platform for consumers and service providers will continue.
  • A showcase of the prototype platform and its features will be made public.

As always the team remains dedicated to our mission statement of improving the sector and continuing to act with integrity, honesty and with the industry’s best future interests at heart.